Monday, December 6, 2010

Shapley International House

From L-R: Irina (Russia), Cori (USA), Shun Nakamura (Japan), Chris, JingSheng (Taiwan), me, ShuangLing (China). November house dinner (11/14/10).

Farewell dinner at the Brazillian restaurant for our dear friend, Fernando.

We have a special visit from Dr. Samuel Mathai (third from right) from India (10/3/10).

Dr. Fernando (Brazil) is cooking the Brazillian meatballs. Yummy!

L-R: Chris, Bruno (Italy), Hamad & Jameel (Saudi Arabia)
Bruno successfully influenced these two Saudi men to shave their hair. Congratulations!

Who says men can't cook and clean? Here is the proof! While our men are working hard in the kitchen, our Saudi woman just playing her ipod. Sign of the times!

In honor of our Muslims friends, we celebrated Eid Ul Fitr on 9/11 to celebrate the end of Ramadan.

What happen when nations get together? We eat and laugh a lot. Food and laughter bring people together! From L-R: Cori (USA), Bruno (Italy), Jameel (Saudi Arabia), me, Hamad (Saudi), Sade (Guatemala/Egypt). Aug. 29,2010.

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